My experience with the Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals in Chicago, Illinois.

By Alex Foth

Every year thousands of people travel to the Donald E. Steven’s convention center in Chicago, Illinois for the Muscle car and corvette nationals (MCACN). MCACN also known as the pebble beach of muscle cars and attracts everything from high end corvettes to barn finds that were forgotten. But more importantly, it’s a place where people from all over the country remember the past. Every year, the week before thanksgiving 500+ cars are shipped from all over to be shown and judged by the very best in the business. I was invited by MCACN owner Bob Ashton to be a part of the Future Generation class which is car owners under 25 years of age.

Our mission, as the future generation was to prove that the classic car hobby isn’t going away any time soon. During the 2-day show we did two panel interviews to talk about our rides and the stories behind them, met some car celebrities, and checked out some sweet rides. The experience was unforgettable, and I met so many cool people along the way who share the same hobby as I do. The car received a 946/1000 and won the red ribbon award for custom and street modified. But the weekend wouldn’t have gone as smoothly if my father hadn’t been there to help. He spent Countless hours cleaning the car, polishing the wheels and making sure everything went smoothly. The award won will be in memory of my grandfather Frank J. Gigantelli.